Inspire your staff to improve their presentation skills through this motivating and interactive 60-75 minute seminar & workshop. For groups of up to 100 people.
By attending this presentation/workshop you will…
- Find out how being a good presenter can benefit you.
- Hear the thoughts from leaders in the field of presenting.
- Learn how to make ‘audience focused’ presentations.
- Discover the ‘silver bullet’ that can improve any presentation.
- Learn the value of presenting with ‘Clarity’ and ‘Simplicity’.
より効果的なプレゼンテーションを準備し,発表できるようになりたいと思いませんか?このワークショップに参加することによって,それができるようになります。良いプレゼンテーションを行うことが自分にどういったメリットがあるか,プレゼンテーションの達人の考え,観客のニーズに合わせたプレゼンテーションの方法,どんなプレゼンテーションでも改善できてしまう魔法かつ簡単な”silver bullet”をご紹介します。明快かつ簡潔なプレゼンテーションの価値を発見してください。
Feedback from attendees at a recent Presentation Seminar & Workshop in Pfizer Japan
I learnt the importance of stating the purpose clearly and explaining “why” at the beginning of the presentation. This seems obvious yet not many are doing this.
This session deserves a standing ovation. I realized I was lacking the understanding that a presentation must provide a benefit to the audience who are spending their time listening. Furthermore, the slides need to be prepared to fulfill this objective.
Presentation is a gift. As a presenter, you must understand the purpose of the presentation and what is needed, including if the presentation is needed in the first place. You also need to be prepared.
Having a clear message is critical for a presentation. You need the courage to move the non-critical data to backup to achieve your goal.
The audience is the customer に強く共感します。得てして自分の言いたいことに偏りがちですが、客が何を聞きたいかも意識してスライド作り・発表を行うべきだと思います。さもなくば周りのみんなの時間が無駄になってしまいますので。
I strongly agree that the audience is the customer. Presenters tend to focus on what they want to say, but we need to listen to what our customer wants to hear. Prepare your slides, and present accordingly. If you do not do so, you will be wasting everyone’s time.